Tuesday, May 17, 2011

RTV Experiments

Last night I tried to make an RTV ball, let it set for a bit, and shove it into the cage while adjusting it to fit perfectly.  This was plan and, of course, it failed miserably.  I don't know why I just keep assuming everything will work out.  I thought it was the perfect plan.
 I documented the process of this neat two-part RTV gold.  You just spoon out equal parts of the two colors...
 ...and hand fold them into each other.
 Mix them until the color is consistent.
 Then I rolled out a ball of the material to the size I needed...
 ...and tried to fit it into the cage.  The damn stuff didn't flow in there as I had dreamed, and also set before I had it in how I wanted it.
 I had to cut the material out because it got so stiff.
So then I tried not mixing the material so consistently.  This greatly extended the working time but, in the end, it just didn't look how I imagined it.  It didn't spill out of the sides and was pretty dense when set.  I tried a couple iterations of this and moved on to Plan C (Plan A was the silicone disk).

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